Saint Benedict of Nursia (Italian: San Benedetto da Norcia) (c.480–547)
The medal of Saint-Benoit is a powerful protection. On the front is stamped the unveiling of the Saint, while on the back, is engraved a cross surrounded by letters :
C S P B : Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti : Cross of Saint Father Benoit
On the cross can be read from left to right:
N D S M D : Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux : The dragon must not be my guide.
From up to down:
C S S M L : Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux : The Cross must be my Life
On the top of the cross can be read the word PAX - "peace".
The following letters are surrounding the cross:
V R S N S M V : Vade Retro Satana, Numquam Suade mihi Vana :Step back Satan, do not tempt me with vanity.
S M Q L I V B : Sunt Mala Quae Libas, Ipse Venenum Bibas : What you offer is nothing but evil, Swallow your poison back. Ce que tu offres, ce n'est que du mal, ravale ton poison.
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